mEYE Guide logo

With mEYE® Guide, you'll save chair time, boost treatment uptake and ensure you've got all the bases covered for easy, comprehensive myopia management

mEYE Gauge logo

Resolve your axial anxiety with mEYE® Gauge, axial length estimation and analysis without the expense of biometry

mEYE Score logo

Elevate your parent communication and keep more patients on myopia management with the ultimate tool for demonstrating treatment outcomes

mEYE Map logo

Understand the cause of each child's refractive error to truly individualize myopia management

API integrations

API Integrations

Discover how effortlessly our powerful analytics APIs are capable of integrating across different devices, EHR systems, and platforms. Maximise efficiency and never compromise on data security.

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Powering the change
from VISION correction
to comprehensive

Centile Charts

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Refraction and axial
length centile charts

Help parents understand the meaning of their child’s refraction and axial length by showing them centile (or growth) charts they are already familiar with. Illustrate why treatment is necessary and show them what may happen without treatment.

  • Child’s Current Centile - Illustrate how a child's vision compares to other children of the same age and sex.

  • Projected Adult Refraction - Based on their centile position, show parents how much their child's prescription is likely to deteriorate by age 20 without myopia management.
Centile chart 1

Vision Simulator

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Vision Simulator
Help parents see through the eyes of their child

Myopia can keep children from seeing the full picture. Our powerful visualisation tool will resonate with every parent.

Help parents understand how their child sees now without their glasses, and compare to how they may see as an adult if their myopia is allowed to progress without myopia control treatment.

Parent Friendly Information

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Designed for instant sharing with a QR code or a link
Designed to help get parents on board with myopia management.

Bring parents into the conversation and support informed decision-making regarding their child's eye health.

Demonstrate their child's personalized myopia risk profile, potential benefits and efficacy of treatment.

Centile chart 1

Treatment Benefits

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Enhance treatment uptake
Understand the benefits of myopia management in ways that make sense

  • Progression Index - Illustrate how each child’s myopia is progressing and eyes are growing over time.

  • Ocular Health Index - Illustrate that myopia management may help maintain good ocular health into later life.
Treatment Benefits

Axial Length Analytics

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Take the mystery out of axial length
  • Axial length analysis including normative comparisons, annual and lifetime treatment targets.

  • Supercharge your communication with patients and parents using our axial length analytics.

  • Illustrate expected eye growth with and without treatment and demonstrate how well myopia management is working.
Axial Length Analytics

Axial Length Estimation

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Resolve your axial anxiety

Axial length estimation allows clinicians to experience the clinical value of axial length data without the expense of biometry.

  • Identify high risk children - Using our unique machine learning approach to get reliable estimates* of axial length without a biometer.

  • Make the leap to measured biometry - Our estimator tool is designed to support the transition to biometry, so that clinicians can fully harness the benefits of monitoring axial length as a core component of their myopia management routine.

*Performance tests revealed our axial length estimates closely matched biometry measurements, with a mean difference between measured and estimated axial length of just 0.07mm among 507 children tested.

Axial Length Estimation

Patient Risk Profile

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Deliver personalized, proactive care

Offering clinicians a comprehensive overview of each child's attributes which may influence the likelihood of them becoming myopic and to what level.

Providing valuable insights into the potential impact of myopia management, helping to target treatment interventions more effectively.

Patient Risk Profile 1

Treatment Monitoring

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Let data tell the story

Evaluate the impact of your personalized myopia management plan. Plot each child's progression and response to treatment over time, make informed decisions about ongoing care and improve overall eye health outcomes.

  • Multi-Visit Plotting and Efficacy Analysis.

  • Longitudinal patient monitoring and treatment efficacy assessment.

  • Parent Friendly.
Treatment Monitoring 1

Ocular Biometric Analysis

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Understand the true nature of each child's myopia

Our innovative ocular biometric analysis tool uses refraction, axial length and keratometry data together to illustrate the main cause of myopia in each patient. This innovative, visual tool can support clinicians involved in myopia management to:

  • Understand the type of myopia present in each patient.

  • Build an advanced myopia risk profile for each patient based on their axial contribution.

  • Evaluate patient suitability for myopia control intervention.

  • Demonstrate the impact of myopia control treatment on the axial length contribution over time.
Ocular Biometric Analysis

What our clients say about their experience with our tools


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